
The Zones of Regulation


What is The Zones of Regulation Program?

The Zones of Regulation is a program utilized to help educate children on self-regulation skills.  Occupational Therapists work with you to help identify emotions/states of alertness in relation to one of the four colored zones (blue, green, yellow or red).  Once the zone has been recognized, your child will develop a “tool box” of various positive coping strategies that can be used to assist them in increasing or decreasing alertness and/or calm or arouse their system, depending on the particular need during specific situations and in a specific setting. The goal of therapy is to empower each child by improving their ability to successfully participate in their daily activities.

How Can Therapy Solutions Help Your Child?

Therapy Solutions offers The Zone of Regulation treatment for children by a Licensed Occupational Therapist and a Licensed Mental Health Therapist allowing for dual perspectives when completing assessment and treatment planning. Our clinic has the unique ability to offer a dual perspective by an occupational therapy perspective and a mental health perspective.  Our specialists will work with your child to assist them in learning successful ways to not only understand their emotions, but also regulate their behavior. 

Mental Health therapists will work with children to help them identify what they are feeling and help them understand their levels of alertness. The Zones of Regulation are embedded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  Mental health therapists can help children make connections with their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Children can learn to understand how their behaviors influence thoughts and feelings to gain emotional control. 

Our pediatric therapists proudly serve New England Public Schools.

For more information on speech therapy, contact our Dickinson, Killdeer, and Richardton, ND physical therapists at Therapy Solutions for an appointment.

Go Ahead And Schedule An Appointment For Your Child Today!

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